Creative Expression - Infinite Comfort

Winter is a stressful time of year. You return to work to find a packed schedule with new projects, deadlines, and challenges to meet. Soon, your mind is busy with thoughts as you bounce from one task to another.

Providing comfort amongst the chaos are our new winter beverages. Their rich, warming, mildly fruity flavors help soothe, calm and clear your mind, restoring your emotional wellbeing. Plus, our returning Smoked Butterscotch Latte relaxes and re-energizes, allowing you to jump back into the fray with renewed vigor.

Starbucks APAC

Head of Design
Mike Choy

Art Director
Venus Li, Ting Ting Chang

Alex Demello

Motion Artist & Editor
Kaleb Lai, Grey Lai

Bringing our story of “Infinite Comfort” to life is a vibrant yet calming look and feel in-store, as well as a series of infinitely looping social media posts that evoke a comforting, satisfying feeling.

Social Media Assets

Satisfying loops that deliver the creative concept of “Infinite Comfort”
